Why does hair thinning occur in women? Tips for getting good results with hair growth care

For today’s women in their 40s, 50s or older who wish to always look stylish and don’t want to give up on their second half of life, thinning is a serious concern. In order to keep enjoying youthful hairstyles, you should stay positive and learn the cause of thinning & the effective measures to promote hair growth.  Let’s start now!

Why does hair thinning occur in women? Tips for getting good results with hair growth care

Hair ages, just like skin. A serious concern among women in their 40s, 50s or older is, of course, thinning. Your hair loses volume and seeing your own flat hair shape makes you feel depressed…it even affects your daily motivation. Well, don’t give up! Find the cause with proper information and learn how you can solve the problem!

You first begin to notice finer strands, increased hair loss… and then you glance in the mirror to find a widening part or a receding hairline. Your scalp shows through… your entire hair is flat and has the impression of thinning due to loss of volume… so you don’t know what to do with your hairstyle. These signs are telling you that your scalp and hair cells are being damaged.

Many women in their 40’s & 50’s are concerned about thinning. What is really happening?

You first begin to notice finer strands, increased hair loss… and then you glance in the mirror to find a widening part or a receding hairline. Your scalp shows through… your entire hair is flat and has the impression of thinning due to loss of volume… so you don’t know what to do with your hairstyle. These signs are telling you that your scalp and hair cells are being damaged.

Do you think your hair is thinning due to hair loss? Actually, that is not so. No matter the age, people naturally lose 70-120 strands of hair per day. The key lies in the hair cycle. Normally, new hair is produced from the hair matrix, grows, and falls out after an average of 5-6 years. And this cycle will keep repeating itself. However, when the resting phase after hair falls out is lengthened due to aging, the overall amount of hair decreases and thinning occurs. This, just like the skin’s turnover, is caused by the disruption of the hair cycle due to aging.

Thinning is not due to a sudden increase in hair loss. If so, what is the actual cause?

Do you think your hair is thinning due to hair loss? Actually, that is not so. No matter the age, people naturally lose 70-120 strands of hair per day. The key lies in the hair cycle. Normally, new hair is produced from the hair matrix, grows, and falls out after an average of 5-6 years. And this cycle will keep repeating itself. However, when the resting phase after hair falls out is lengthened due to aging, the overall amount of hair decreases and thinning occurs. This, just like the skin’s turnover, is caused by the disruption of the hair cycle due to aging.

Learn more about hair thinning in women Q&A

Q1. Why is it bad for hair when the scalp becomes thin?

A1. Just like the soil for growing plants, if the hair root is not set deep in the skin, hair is more prone to falling out and only limp, fine strands will grow since nutrients cannot be delivered. Hair falling out right away while it is still downy hair also promotes thinning. In order to keep strong, resilient hair longer in the active growth phase, it is important for the hair root to take root firmly and deeply.

Q2. Is the mechanism of hair thinning in women and men the same?

A2. For both women and men, the amount of hair decreases due to aging. However, the mechanism is not exactly the same. In regards to thinning hair in women, new hair stops growing due to the prolonged resting phase of the hair cycle and the amount of hair in the active growth phase decreases, resulting in a loss of hair volume. As for thinning hair in men, hair cannot fully grow as it goes from the transitional phase to the resting phase and even to the active growth phase, and because hair becomes so fine, almost invisible to the naked eye, it looks like thinning.

Q3. When tarting hair growth care, how should we select the right hair growth essence?

A3. Most people who wish to start hair growth care want to foster hair that is thick, long and voluminous, so products which address the scalp’s thickness or the regulation of the hair cycle are highly recommended. Since the aging of the hair cycle is also related to hormones, women in their 40s & 50s who are experiencing hormonal imbalance should look for products with ingredients which do not affect the body.

In order to address thinning hair which not only makes you look old but also feel depressed, think positive and conduct proper hair care together with SUBLIMIC ADENOVITAL SCALP POWER-SHOT hair growth essence to create an ideal scalp environment with a promising future.

Don’t give up on your ideal hairstyle! Feel uplifted with hair growth care for fostering beautiful, voluminous hair

In order to address thinning hair which not only makes you look old but also feel depressed, think positive and conduct proper hair care together with SUBLIMIC ADENOVITAL SCALP POWER-SHOT hair growth essence to create an ideal scalp environment with a promising future.

Tips for getting good results with hair growth care

Many people are conducting hair growth care in their own way, but it actually should be done in the correct manner. Being able to see the actual benefits will increase your motivation.

(1) Follow the instructions regarding amount & application method.

If you lessen the amount of use or frequency of application because the product is expensive or because you don’t want to waste it, then it is the same as not using the product at all. How much to use and how to apply are specified on the product, and you can achieve the expected benefits if you do as you are instructed. For example, “SUBLIMIC ADENOVITAL SCALP POWER-SHOT” is to be used twice a day – morning & night – with 15 pumps each time.

(2) Don’t ditch shampooing just because you are afraid of hair loss.
Even if your hair is thinning, it’s necessary to shampoo every day. In order to keep hair longer in the active growth phase, it is essential not only to create a good scalp environment by having your hair & scalp clean but also to promote circulation and maintain a thick scalp by giving it a massage as you shampoo.

(3) To learn how to use “SUBLIMIC ADENOVITAL SCALP POWER-SHOT” hair growth essence, watch this video.



Core Powerizing Technology acts on the deep layer of the scalp to foster beautiful hair that is thick, long and voluminous *The scalp’s deep layer is the fatty layer.

Recommended for

  • Those who are concerned about thinning hair
  • Those who wish the future of their hair to be healthy


  • Formulated with Adenosine, an active ingredient
  • 4 types of medicinal active ingredients* promote new growth & hair growth *Adenosine, Sophora Angustifolia Root Extract, Carrot Extract, Nicotinamide
Addresses the deep layers of the scalp for beautiful hair

<Scalp Essence>

Addresses the deep layers ofthe scalp for beautiful hair
120mL 7,200 yen

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